Top Essential Apps to Help Survive Online School College Classes

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Explore the scope and potential of the NEP system with a focus on teachers and teacher training course. Benefits and challenges for Teachers in new education policy.

Once you adapt to the online learning model, there are lots of benefits that you will find outHere are the major benefits that an online learning application offer:

Virtual and Group Communication

During online learning sessions, a person can virtually communicate with his classmates and teacher. Such a system helps students and teachers to collaborate and communicate with each other easily, with great speed via email, chat, video-conferences etc.


Online teaching apps offer the benefit of learning from anywhere according to your convenience. Some school apps also provide facilities for learning on your own schedule. Accessing class materials and submitting works is much easier through online learning.

Time management and time-saving

People who need to travel long distances to school and colleges can save time required for travel and devote that time into other activities. Teachers can manage their time by making regular class schedules and following them in order.

Saves Cost

Online teaching apps Online learning is much more cost-effective in various aspects, compared to traditional school education. It helps to avoid campus-related fees and dues like hostel fees, transportation cost etc.

Tutor availability

Tutors who teach online can set hours according to their schedules and easily conversate with multiple students at once. Professors can make reports and leave comments even during the night time.

Increased Responsibility

Online teaching apps Studying online requires patience, motivation, discipline and time management skills. If students possess all of these qualities and are willing to take classes online, then they will be spending time on their own without the physical presence of a teacher to keep them focussed on academics. This increases the responsibility of students on their academic tasks.

How Do Online Classes Work?

Online teaching through mobile phones and other devices include video conferences, live lectures and instant messaging. In virtual education, everything from attending sessions, discussions and presentation is not difficult as a student anticipates (if he/she has never attended an online class). They don’t need to be ‘tech-savvy’ to handle online teaching applications.


Here is a general overview of how students can learn online using school/college apps:


♦ Students and teachers need to log in to the learning management system, i.e the course management mobile application. A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for the smoother running of applications. Generally, in applications like Google meet, which is the best app for online video classes, the tutors can generate a link using the application and invite students to join that link.


♦ After the course begins, students can listen and read the lectures provided by the teachers and interact with them through chats, instant messaging or by speaking with them through video conferences. The teaching process via classroom apps for students usually takes place in two forms; either through live virtual meets or through recorded and uploaded video/audio lectures, animations etc. which the student can play and listen whenever they want.


♦ Most of the online teaching apps in India provide separate sections where students can check and submit homework and assignments. Teachers can assign online assignments to their students which the students can complete online/offline and submit through the app.


♦ Students and teachers can engage in various discussions by participating in group chats held at a specific date and time. Students can come up with their own ideas and easily collaborate with each other.

What are online classes in school?

Online learning is a form of distance learning where students use their devices and internet to attend classes. Online teaching provides virtual classes that students can attend from any place where they can access the internet. In this mode of education, teachers are able to conduct classes using a learning management system like an online classes app for teachers  students. Teachers can prepare a structured curriculum and work remotely so that their online students can easily follow it.


Online schooling is changing the face of learning and making education more accessible. 

We have seen a rise in online learning this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic caused all schools across the world to shut down, resulting in billions of students to temporarily stop attending their schools. As a result, the method of teaching has changed with the distinctive rise of online teaching, where teachers from the school started teaching their pupils, virtually on digital platforms. Teaching sessions can include audio, video, emails, animations, text, virtual training and live chats. In this way, online learning has become a common option for schools, colleges and other educational institutions across the world. Researches suggest that online learning is flexible and less time consuming, so there are chances for this method to stay for a longer time.


Even before the pandemic, various schools adopted e-learning where they depended on electronic technologies to access the educational curriculum and learn portions outside of a classroom. This shows us that online education was already a part of our current educational system.

Advantages, Ideas and Features of Education Apps

Online learning has replaced traditional methods of education. Educational apps offer new and innovative methods of learning via interaction and visualization. Augmented reality-based apps can assist students, especially small kids in learning not only the curriculum but also various maths quizzes, games and other tricks which help to boost their intelligence and increase problem-solving skills. Since more institutions are relying on online learning, it is a great chance for app developers to develop customized online teaching apps to earn money. And also, if you are an experienced teacher, you can make money by teaching on platforms like Udemy, Upwork and other online teaching apps for teachers in India.


Here are a few educational app ideas that would be beneficial to both  students and teachers:


♦ Education app with education-related games.

♦ Question and answer app for students to post questions and find answers.

♦ Tutor app that enables teaching and instant chats with the tutors.

♦ Preschool apps for kids in kindergarten to learn colours, numbers, letters etc.

♦ Subject-specific high school apps.

♦ Competitive exam apps.

♦ Apps for special children.


The best online teaching apps in India as well as other nations provide us with the following features and advantages.


Advantages of Education apps:


♦ Remote learning.

♦ Better communication.

♦ 24/7 availability.

♦ New and improved learning methods.

♦Systematic learning with quality interaction with tutors.

♦ Provides an individual space.

♦ AEnhanced parent-teacher-student communication.


Features of education apps:


♦ Easy to use.

♦ User friendly.

♦ Notifications and dashboards.

♦ Multi-device logins.

♦ Live tutorials.

♦ Interactive content.

♦ Offline mode.

♦ Social media integration.

♦ Mock tests.

♦ Progress and achievement tracking.
