How Do You Keep Food Safe From Pests?

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Whether you own a business that specializes in the storage, preparation, or handling of food, or you simply have employees who like to snack and have a well stocked supply closet, you need to make sure that the food in your business is regulated. Having food that is improperly stored or used can lead to a mess at the very least, and wasted food that attracts pests and mold at the worst.


Pests can be a massive problem for any business, because not only do they make food inedible and require it to be wasted due to contamination, but if one pest finds food they are quick to call in their buddies for an all you can eat buffet at your business expense. Plus, they often move in and continue to raid your business for food, causing all sorts of problems. You don’t want this.


But how do you keep your food safe from the pests who want to eat it? Here’s what you need to know and some steps you can take in order to make sure that the food in your business is eaten by humans and not by pests.


Make Sure Food Is Properly Sealed


Whether you are placing your food in plastic bags or takeout containers for dinner, or are actively storing your food in temperature controlled rooms in order to preserve it, you need to make sure that all your food is properly sealed. Make sure any containers that food has been in have been properly sealed and are stored at safe temperatures, and be sure to inspect the containers if you see signs of pest activity. Because they can be chewed through and otherwise infested.


Keep an eye out for the signs of pests


Whether you see droppings, tracks, signs of damage, or you see the pests themselves, you need to take swift action in order to handle the issue. Either set up traps that are safe to be used around food, but are dangerous to the pests, or focus on working with a food safet​​y pest control in Seattle pest control company, because they will know how to handle large infestations.


These companies will have your back because they know how to take care of your business and make sure that your food supplies and the employees of your business are kept safe, while the pest infestation is fully handled the first time so you can get back to work without any major issues.


Dealing with a pest issue isn’t something that should be handled without a dedicated plan, so don’t be afraid to work with others to keep the food in your office both safe and pest free!
