Factors That Affect the Lifespan of the Mattress

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While the typical mattress is able to last between 5 to 10 years, there are a number of factors that will help determine whether the mattress wears out earlier or later than that average. This is good news because you can take certain steps to ensure that the mattress is going to last for a long time and can save you money. Some of the factors that will influence the lifespan of the mattress include:

# The maintenance and care: You can get the mattress to last a long longer if you take good care of it. You can rotate it around a few times a year or even invest in a mattress cover to get it to last a bit longer.

# The type of mattress and the material: Options like hybrids can last more than ten years while others like memory foam may only last five years. Pick out the material on the mattress carefully if you would like it to last a long time.

# Mattress quality: The higher the quality, the longer the mattress is going to last. This can make the mattress cost more too, so you will need to weigh the benefits and negatives of both to help you figure out the right one for you.

# How often you use the mattress: If you use the mattress all the time, then it is going to wear out a lot faster compared to one that you put in the guest bedroom. For the latter, you will be able to make it last a lot longer.

# Single vs. a couple: The more people who sleep on the mattress, the faster you will need to get it replaced. If you live on your own or sleep in your own room, you may be able to get the mattress to last a bit longer too.

# The weight of the sleeper: Those who weigh more will wear out the mattress faster than those who are lighter.


When you notice that your mattress is not working as well as it should, then it is time to look into purchasing a new bed for your home. There are a lot of options out there when you choose a mattress for your home, and it can depend on what works well for you and feels right. One option you should consider is our bed in a box. They come in many options based on what you like the most and can be shipped right to your home, saving some of the time and hassle of traditional mattress shopping. Trust us for helping you find a good bed that will help you get to sleep tonight.

