What is the Pavement Ant?

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There are a number of different pests that can make their way into your home or commercial property if you are not careful. You need to learn more about them and figure out what makes them tick and what attracts them into the property if you want to make sure they do not cause a mess and become a big infestation that you are not able to handle on your own. One of the many pests that may try to make their home on your property is the pavement ant.


Pavement ants are some of those that you are most likely to see outside, but when they make their way into the home, you are not going to be that happy. They are small and can come in a few different colors, usually black or a dark brown. The worker ants of the colony are not going to have wings, but they can make their way through the cracks of the home to find the food that they want.


These ants will eat a lot of different food if you leave it out, but something that is sweet is the most likely to attract them along the way. When they get into the home, they will lay down a unique chemical trail that makes it easier for them and other worker ants to find the source of food as well later on. This is why you need to take care of the problem as soon as possible. You can recognize some of their colonies by the sand piles that start to form in your yard.


The best way to make sure that this pest does not move in is to store all of your food as quickly as possible after you are done using it. Make sure that you keep things clean and dry, get rid of the cracks that may show up in your home, and get rid of any of the worker ants that you see showing up on the property, no matter how big they may be at the time.


Trust our team to help you with all of the food safety pest control in Fresno that you need. You need to make sure that your property is safe and you will not have a ton of pests that run around and cause damage or make other people sick. That is where our team will come into the game. We can provide some of the best pest control solutions that you need, no matter the potential problem at the time. We customize the solution based on the pest and the type of property you need help with. Trust us for all of your pest control needs.

