Preventing Mice and Rats in Your Restaurant

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Just the thought of mice and rats is enough to make most people shiver. These furry rodents carry diseases by the handful, and create unsanitary environments when they come onto your property, homes and businesses alike. So, when you have a business in the food industry, it's critical that you understand the early signs of a mouse or rat infestation and how to get ahead of it. Consider the following as you keep your business clear of mice and rats. 

Firstly, understand all the telltale signs that you may have mice and rats in your restaurant. Be on the lookout for mouse and rat droppings, especially in cupboards, drawers, under the sink, and around food storage or packaging. As you check out the food packaging, look for signs of chewing on the plastic or cardboard. Look for nesting materials in these areas or around your restaurant, which often includes shredded paper, dried plant matter, or fabric. And, of course, if you see a single mouse, there are likely dozens more and you need to call a pest control professional immediately.

Remove their food sources. This includes any leftover food or food left out, old or aging food, food outside of secure packaging, and trash. It is important to take your trash out daily, even multiple times if necessary, and keep outdoor dumpsters clean so mice and rats cannot use them as a warm food source. And, make sure to keep an eye out for any leaks or holes in doors, windows, and walls, because mice can easily get in and find food sources.

Educate your staff on preventing mice in your restaurant. Make sure they are aware of the telltale signs of a mouse or rat infestation, such as droppings and evidence of chewed food packaging, so they can look out for them throughout their work day. As well, strictly maintain and teach your team about food safety protocols. Never assume everyone remembers everything all the time: sometimes, you need a reminder to keep things running smoothly, and that’s okay.

From recognizing the signs of a rodent infestation to continual pest control education, these preventative measures are critical to keeping a safe and clean reputation among your customer base. To get started, touch base with reliable and high-quality food safety pest control in Spokane Valley and get the resources you need as well as routine pest control services to keep rodents away for good.
