Tips for Introducing Your Pets to a New Home

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Moving into a new house or apartment is a normal, albeit stressful, part of life. Whether you’ve done through a lifestyle change or moving to a new area, we all find ourselves in this position sometimes. However, when you have pets, every move feels brand new and is extraordinarily stressful. Consider, before you make a move, how you can keep your pets healthy and calm coming into a new home.


When introducing your pet to a new home, look for signs of stress in your pets. This will allow you to take the right short- and long-term safety measures. Signs of stress in dogs include barking, whining, excessive panting, and an inability to settle. A cat may be stressed if they are hiding more than usual, suddenly intolerant of people, excessively meow, hiss or growl, or become hesitate before doing every tasks, such as use the litter box. Stress can be exasperated by motion sickness (traveling to the new home), digestive issues (not eating or vomiting), and destructive behaviors.


It’s important to remember that a cat or dog that has never experienced moderate to severe anxiety could be upset during a move and in a new home. This makes tracking those symptoms critical so you can keep them safe, especially in case of an emergency. To proactively keep your pets safe and calm during a move, make sure to avoid environmental extremes. They should be familiarized with their crate, and this can be a safe place during a move. Also, pack an emergency bag. This may include their favorite toys, blankets, treats, food and water, bowls, and medication if so directed by your vet.


Once you get into the new home for good, it’s critical that you maintain your normal schedule. Feed your pets at the same time each day, walk them, take time to soothe and snuggle at the end of the day as you normally would. Take them around and introduce them to every room. Show them where they can rest, and where you rest. This sense of normalcy will help an anxious pet understand that their new space is a safe space with time. If you have a dog that you regularly walk, take time to explore the new neighborhood. They may be nervous at first, but with routine, it’ll become their new playground.


When in doubt, visit your pet’s veterinarian. When you move into one of the beautiful Charleston pet-friendly townhomes, you may need a bit more assistance in the introduction process just to keep your pets safe. And, if you are moving to a new area, your current vet can make suggestions for someone new closer to your new home.
