The 3 Types of Heat Pumps Explained

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How much do you love home comfort? Is it important to sleep at the ideal temperatures or can you handle it being hotter than an oven? There are many types of heating and cooling systems that are available. You’ve likely heard of a furnace but what about other heating types? The heat pump is quite popular and one you should consider for your home. However, what type? In this article, we go through the three types of heat pumps and which could be right for your home.


Air to Air


Air to air heat pumps are the most common type you'll encounter. They work by extracting heat from the outdoor air and transferring it inside to heat your home during cold weather. In the summer, they reverse the process, removing heat from your home's interior and releasing it outside to cool your living spaces. These heat pumps are relatively easy to install and cost-effective. However, their efficiency can decrease in extremely cold climates.


Water Source


They work by extracting heat from the outdoor air and transferring it inside to heat your home during cold weather. In the summer, they reverse the process, removing heat from your home's interior and releasing it outside to cool your living spaces. These heat pumps are relatively easy to install and cost-effective. However, their efficiency can decrease in extremely cold climates. These heat pumps are highly efficient and work well in moderate climates. They can also provide both heating and cooling, making them versatile. However, they require access to a water source and may involve more complex installation.




Geothermal heat pumps, also known as ground source heat pumps, are the top-tier choice for energy efficiency and consistent performance. They utilize the stable temperature of the earth below the frost line to exchange heat with your home. While they tend to have a higher upfront cost and require more extensive installation, they deliver remarkable energy savings and are environmentally friendly. Geothermal heat pumps are reliable in extreme climates and offer long-term benefits.


Final Thoughts About Installation


After you’ve decided on this type of heating system, you’ll need to find a technician for heat pump installation. A word of caution, not all HVAC companies are created equal. You should make sure the company has licenses and insurance, as well as great reviews from companies.

A company can also mention the types, their benefits, and how much the units cost.


Have questions about installation or repairs? It’s a good idea to consult with your local experts. The installation of a replacement system is often straightforward. However, switching to something like a geothermal heat pump might have additional questions about how long the process will take or what will happen.
